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Unified IT: Your one-stop shop for IT solutions for not-for-profit organisations

We’ve been helping Australian businesses and not-for-profit agencies since 2009. We partner with the best in the industry, including Microsoft and Cisco, to provide custom-made solutions that meet your specific needs.

Here are some of the ways we can help your not-for-profit organization:

Contact us today on 1300 120 698 to learn more about how we can help your not-for-profit organization succeed.

Case Study from a client who not to be named hence being referred to as XYZ Foundation

How Unified IT and Microsoft 365 helped a Non For Profit (NFP) Foundation streamline their operations and increase their impact.

XYZ Foundation is a nonprofit organization that works to improve the lives of children and families in need. They provide education, health, and social services to over 10,000 beneficiaries across 20 countries.

The challenge

XYZ Foundation faced several challenges in managing their operations and programs. They had a diverse and distributed workforce of staff and volunteers, who needed to collaborate and communicate effectively across different time zones and languages. They also had to deal with complex and sensitive data, such as beneficiary information, donor records, and financial reports, which required high levels of security and compliance. Moreover, they had limited IT resources and budget, which made it difficult to adopt and maintain the latest technology solutions.

The solution

XYZ Foundation decided to adopt Microsoft 365 Nonprofit, a cloud-based productivity suite that offers a comprehensive set of tools and services for nonprofit organizations. Microsoft 365 Nonprofit enabled XYZ Foundation to:

The results

By adopting Microsoft 365 Nonprofit, XYZ Foundation was able to improve their efficiency, effectiveness, and impact. They reported the following results:


Microsoft 365 Nonprofit helped XYZ Foundation transform their operations and programs by providing them with a cloud-based productivity suite that empowered their staff and volunteers, protected their data, and reduced their costs. With Microsoft 365 Nonprofit, XYZ Foundation was able to focus more on their mission and less on their technology.

Contact Unified IT today to find out how we can help your non for profit organization

                                                     [email protected] or call 1300 120 698 

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